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Thursday 20 June 2013

Pin Curls VS Flexi Rods

I usually always run to flexi rods when I want to have curly hair but if you read my last post you will know that last night I fancied a change and tried some pin curls! I looked on YouTube for tutorials and found some great ones!

With the pin curls I curled each piece with a straighter (can use a curling iron) and then used my fingers to spiral the hair then pinned each piece on my head. The results in the morning were gorgeous! So it had me thinking.......  Pin curls or Flexi rods

Here's some pics.....

Pin curls before bed
Flexi rods 


  • Pin curls give great volume and bouncy curls to your hair, flexi rods give bouncy curls too but not as voluminous.
  • Flexi rods last all day! Like literally until the next day lol, but I'm not too sure if pin curls will as the curls have already dropped a tiny bit.
  • Pin curls take longer to put in especially as you have to curl it first (you can probably skip the heat and use your fingers straight away but heat helps to keep them in longer)
  • Pin curls are great for messy curls and waves where as flexi rod curls are more uniform and you can separate them to create huge Diana Ross hair! Haha!
So my verdict? Well...I like them both haha! If I knew I was going to be out allll day I would go for flexi's though and if I wanted bombshell hair for a night out pin curls would be where its at!

Pin curls!
Flexi Rod curls!

Which one do you like better?

God bless


  1. The girl who does my extensions recommended flexi rods to me they've turned out lovely on you so I think I'll definitely be investing :) What brand do you use?

    Claire xx

    1. Thank you:D yeah deffo give them a go! You don't need any heat so doesn't frazzle the extensions, mine were off ebay only £2-£3!


  2. your hair looks amaaaaaaaazing :)

    new blogger here from manchester

    1. Aw thanks!! :D awesome! will check you out



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