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Friday 18 May 2012

Recent internet bargains!❤

(Quick update before I start: In my 'Excitement' post I stated I'd be going to the Men in Black 3 premiere but due to exams I wasn't able to make it, so no snaps from that any time soon *sniff*)

First up are the lipsticks, been looking for ones which suit me and are quite moisturing recently and I got a few tips from friends that Sleek and Revlon do some pretty good ones so I started an online hunt!
(once again please excuse the Blackberry camera quality, new camera on the way!)

I purchased (left to right) Revlon Colour Burst lipstick in Sienna, Sleek true colour lipstick in Naked, Papaya  Punch and Liqueur. (Papaya Punch is a Matte gloss and the rest are Sheen, the fact it's Matte means it is drying but a bit of Asda Clear lipgloss soon sorted that out haha)

I really like them all but my favourite is Sienna its such a pretty colour and is extremely wearable. Here's a few pictures of me wearing it, it is much more of a red colour but once again my camera quality has failed me lol

Another item I purchased was from Sleek again but it's a blush from their Caribbean collection which I think has been discontinued that's why I bought one from Ebay (new) and this one is called Aruba...

I loveee Sleeks blushes because they are literally so bright! The picture doesn't do it justice, it shows up so well darker skin tones but can be used on anyone!

God Bless


  1. who doesn't love bargains! I love your lipstick colors choices!

    By the way, I hope you're doing well. I'm concerned if you can notice my new post updates from my blog since my blog has changed to a new design a few days ago. If you can't notice it, please feel free to follow me on my twitter!/Lifeintravel or facebook for my new post updates.
    Bloglovin also has had trouble retrieving my new posts on my Bloglovin account since my blog has changed to its new design. We’re working on this problem and hope it will be fixed soon. If you wish, follow me on Bloglovin later on when it's fixed.

    Thank you! Have a lovely day!

    Hanh from

  2. Ahhhhhhhhh I love your blog so much! it kept me going through many shifts at work haha, thanks for commenting :D
    Yes I can see your new posts, they look great!
    have a lovely day too!

    Naomi xxx


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