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Monday 25 February 2013


So this is probably the most obvious post ever haha but something kinda clicked in my head recently....

The reason I ate so much rubbish was because....I was not eating enough!! Sounds a bit backwards but stick with me on this lol...

I eat pretty well especially at the start of the day but I was finding I was losing motivation to eat healthy as the day went on, not just losing motivation but healthy food can be hard to find when you're out and about, here's what a days food would be like........

What my "meals" would look like

Pre Gym
Rice cake
Porridge with honey & cinnamon
Rice cake
Whilst out running errands or in the library
Sandwiches from Greggs
Food when visiting friends houses

etc etc etc lol

This is not good!!

1) If I eat a decent lunch I won't be as hungry when I'm out and will stop me having food on the brain (thinking about food when I'm trying to study is awful loool such a distraction!)

2)  If I take snacks out with me then I wont have to hit the shops and will also save me money.

What my meals are like recently!

Pre gym
Porridge with cinnamon and honey
Chicken strips with 1 boiled egg or omelette
Prawns with rice and broccoli or chicken with prawns and broccoli

Much better :D

Dinner Example( Chicken with broccoli, rice and a little sweet & sour sauce (
Lunch example ( Chicken with sweetcorn and a boiled egg)

Okay so it doesn't look tooo appetising but I was hungry and rushed the shots loool! 

Remember failing to plan = preparing to fail!
What do you daily meal plans look like?

God Bless 

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand. I have the best of intension earlier on in the day. But as the sun goes down so do my inhibitions!ha


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