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Tuesday 19 February 2013

Just a little encouragement.....

Note: None of the following pictures belong to me! All rights reserved to the photographers of these pretty pics<3

Hey Guys!!

 Been struggling with many different things recently from staying on track with fitness and health to uni work and everything in between!

Distractions are everywhere and they can really throw you off your game, just a word of encouragement to not let anything put you off your goals, be it social networking sites when you're trying to study to that piece of chocolate you get offered when you've been on a roll with healthy living lol.

Remember why you started, remember that only you can decide if you're going to finish this journey on top and remember that set backs aren't the end of the world and that you can make a fresh start any time!

To any one reading this post remember that you can do it if you just try...and don't stop trying!! 

God Bless
(I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me: Philippians 4:13)



  1. Philippians 4:13 - a very fitting piece of scripture!

    it's very true about distractions - for me, i'm getting on with my goals on fitness, but my financial goals have been sidetracked a bit. however it's not something that i can ignored or discard, because it ultimately affects my life and future.

    definately hang in there. it's not the falling down that matters, it's the determination to pick yourself up, dust off and try again x


    1. Congrats with being on track with your fitness goals!:D and all the best with your financial goals, I'm sure you will reach them.
      Thanks for the encouragement!! helped so much


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