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Sunday 11 March 2012

Hair Hair Hair :D

So I finally got my hair done! Nothing at all against my relaxed hair but there's something about long hair that is so glam and I love it!  (even if it is store bought but shhhh haha)

This is the hair I bought:

Sorry about the picture quality :( but its Sleek's European weave and I got two packs, one 18 inch in colour 2 and one 18 inch in colour 4, the hair retails for £38 but he sold it to me for £27 a pack :D. I had to take buses all over the Canterbury area (slight exaggeration) for a hair shop that sold hair in 18 inches but managed to find a shop in a place called Cliftonville about 45 mins away from Canterbury called Ethniche check them out on Facebook!

The hair falls so long on me and i've had 18 inch before but I really like the length! Personally it beats the Premium Now/Too/Plus hair I usually get, It does shed a lot but it's so much silkier than Premium!

Here's a picture of me with Premium Too and then with Sleek European Weave:

Sleek has a better shine but Premium holds curl better as it is more coarse.

Here are a few more pics of the hair :)

                                                Not quite Brazilly but hey! i'm a student! ;) 

                                                                            God Bless
                                                                               Nay :) 

Note: Hair was done by the lovely Pattie at PBelleBeauty for £25! and she comes to you! (London & Canterbury areas)  Her twitter is @PBellebeauty


  1. I have tagged you to answer 11 Qs! I would be grateful if you could answer them x

  2. you look great, like the hair on you and the color is pretty too:) to prevent shadding you should seal the knots:)...this always worked for me:)


  3. @Leisey thank you!!:D oo i'll have to have a look on youtube about sealing, thanks! xx

    @Chi Chi no problem, will do it next!:D x


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