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Monday 5 March 2012

(Foot) Steps to comfier high heels!

Heels are a great way to dress up an outfit, they can make your body look leaner, boost your height as well as your confidence and come in a wide variety of styles! But the feeling of having the prettiest shoe in the room can often be dampened by the annoying pain which can be caused by ill fitting heels with an awkward fit.

Lets face it who wouldn't want to be able to rock gorgeous skyscraper heels like these!:

Here are some heels I purchased from Zara for £10 in their sale a few months back:

Thankfully they have a padded cushion on the insole but they're still a squeeze! I know for a fact I would not last the night wearing them the way they are haha!

Here are a few tips I've picked up over time and also learnt from the internet on how to be able to dance the night away pain free in gorgeous killer heels ;) :

 1.  Break in the heels at home.....with socks!

So I had already heard of wearing heels around the house before a big night out to make them more comfortable but I had never heard of wearing socks to help this. The added thickness of socks (I wore more than one pair) expands the shoe and will give a more comfy fit when wearing the heels sockless!

2. Buy heels with a thicker platform

This tip comes courtesy of Tyra Banks and Andre Leon Talley on their very interesting fashion website called Type F (, they state that buying heels with a thicker platform at the front will cancel out  some of the inches of the heel, therefore you feel as though you have a shorter heel.....

6 inch heels with a 3 inch platform = 3 inch of height you actually feel, thus being able to party the night away in big bad boy shoes! 

3. Buy shoes with a thicker heel or a wedge

If you haven't yet bought your heels and are worried about balance, a thick heel or wedge will spread your body weight over the shoe more evenly leaving you free from worrying about doing the dreaded duck walk.
(<<Pricey but pretty)

3. By a form of insole or padding

If like me you have already bought your heels but they rub (always try on in the shop, never buy just because they're pretty :(  ) there are many ranges of sole or heel pads! The ones below are called Scholl Party Feet Gel Cushions which are supposed to be great and claim to "help prevent the burning pain in the balls of your feet"
Both Boots & Superdrug stock them for £3.99. You could always try putting plasters on the main spots where it hurts on your feet to ease the pain.

4. Tape your toes

Sounds random and a bit odd but apparently it works to aline a muscle in your foot so the balls of your feet will be much more steady, I'm yet to try this but it's worth a shot! (It's said to work by taping the 3rd and 4th toes together)

Those are just a few tips and tricks to try so that you can wear beautiful heels without spoiling your night with pain! 
I shall put these tips to the test with my black Zara heels and my gorgeous wedges from my boyfriend which I am yet to wear solely because they are so hench lol.

Where do you wear shoes like this? :S

God Bless
Nay :)
(Note: not all pictures belong to me and were taken by me)


  1. Thanks for the tips! I practically live in heels but I have some pairs that are just too painful to be in for long periods of time! Hopefully one of these works!

    Also I love your blog && I'm following you now. :)

  2. Aw that's so lovely thank you! :D totally about to follow you back, haha hope they work for you! x

  3. these tips are much needed, especially for someone like me who hardly ever wears heels!


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