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Monday 25 November 2013

Have yourself a healthy little Christmas!

The words "healthy" & "Christmas" can often seem like a oxymoron and to be honest...torture lol! But it doesn't have to be.....

I became inspired to do this post when I came across this cute picture on Leona Lewis' blog ...

Look at their little facess lol, will deffo be making these this year.

It got me thinking what else can I make and do to make this Christmas special AND healthy at the same time? (So I don't go back to uni like a dumpling lol!!)

Banana loaf!

Instead of the normal chocolate cakes lying around you could try your hand at making a banana loaf/bread/cake! They're really simple to make and you could substitute sugar for honey or get the sweetness from icing Christmas trees on top, its also a great way of using up any old bananas. 
Hot spiced drinks!

Instead of the usual calorie laden hot chocolates try a hot spiced drink! My favourite is apple and they make the house smell amazingg.

Salads! and lots of them

Chicken, prawn, fruit.. you can make any kind of salad just pile it high and make it pretty!

As well as watching movies all day try some games! Gets the family involved and gets you at least a little bit active lol, dance mats or Nintendo Wii's as well as Xbox Kinect's are great for this or just play good old fashioned charades. You could also play a massive family game of Hide & Seek...epic!

Duck Duck Goose? maybe not lol

Instead of too many crisps and snacks buy a packet of popcorn kernels (Tesco do them for around 89p) put them in an airtight container and stick them in the microwave! No oil, no extra gunk and you can get creative with toppings!

The most important thing is to just enjoy your Christmas! For people away at uni it maybe the first time you've been with all of your family for a long time, so just kick back and enjoy and don't punish yourself too much because of treats!

One month to go! 


  1. Love these ideas! Will definitely have a go at the drinks :)

    1. they're so yummy :D you can buy sachets or im sure there are recipes, also a really good alternative to have when out for a coffee x

  2. awwwww love this! we have to be more healthy this year! Although Nanny's mac and cheese will be tempting lol We should definitely make a banana loaf though

    1. I cannot wait for that mac and cheese lol!! so excited, yes we so should :D and im down for the family size game of hide & seek too! lol


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