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Saturday 3 August 2013

Update!: Hair, weight loss, movies, summer etc

Apologies for being away for a while! Started a new job in a cafe which is great but sometimes I feel too tired to do much else haha anyway here's what's been going on with me!

I have my natural hair out:

By natural I mean my real hair not my real texture (It's relaxed) if that makes sense, had weave in for quite a while so fancied a break! May switch it up before my birthday.

I'm trying to lose a bit of weight/tone up before my birthday:

Currently on day 4 and will keep you posted! I created a calender for this month so I can check what I've been eating and tick off the days I've worked out etc. I'm making sure I go to the gym at least 5 x a week and will try and eat healthy as often as I can (Chocolate has been my weaaaakness lately, goodness lol). My goal is to firm up my arms, trim down my tummy and thighs and hopefully reveal some cheek bone haha.

Example of a typical dinner: Prawn, Bacon & Chickpea salad with some low fat chocolate mousse for dessert...yum! Surprisingly filling

Summer update:

Can you believe how fast this Summer has gone!?! I've been staying in Canterbury as I am working here now..woohoo! I miss my family like you wouldn't believe and was gutted to miss my brothers graduation of his Masters (congratulationssss!:D) but besides that I've had a good time here! My bf and close group of friends at uni are still here and we've done things like gone to play snooker, darts, went to the zoo, cinema, out for dinner..its been fun!


Can't believe how late I am a discovering the film Chocolat with Johnny Depp and Juliette Binoche it's an amazing film about a chocolatier and her daughter and how they try and settle into a small French town. Johnny Depp plays "Roux" and looks FANTASTIC lol! It's a great film, a new favourite.

Sooo enough about are you?:)

God Bless


  1. go girl, you can still have choc in moderation as long as its 70% cocoa (dark choc) i'm starting to prefer it now

    1. Ooo nice! I shall have to adjust my taste buds to it but will definitely try it!

      Thanks for reading!


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