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Thursday, 2 August 2012

Diary of an on & off healthy living fan

DISCLAIMER: Before you read please know I do not claim to be a fitness guru, gym bunny because I'm so far from that. Pinch my arms & feel the play dough catch my drift haha! Just someone who enjoys a bit of health once in a while :D may continue....

The reason I call myself an on & off healthy living fan is because I am one of those people who will be dedicated to going to the gym & eating right then for some reason the motivation slowwwwlyyyy decreases lol during this time I'm still aware of how I want to change & the bits I want to tweak but I'm not as dedicated then something will happen and I'm back on a gym hype lol! It's a sad cycle & causes my weight to be more up & down than Tower Bridge!

(Warning picture heavy post lol)

Fact File

Name: Naomi Angus (Nay)
Current weight: 10 stone 2 pounds
Goal weight: Some where in the early 9 stone region
Highest weight: Around 11/12 stone
Favourite work out: Zumba, jumping squats, running machine & using the elliptical
Favourite tips picked up: 

  • Muscle weighs more than fat so if the scales aren't decreasing or are even increasing and your eating right & working out it could mean your gaining muscle! (This is why it's better to measure yourself than use scales)
  • When you feel hunger pangs have a glass of water because it could mean your thirsty not always hungry.
  • Weights & machines in the gym are good to help you lose weight! They won't always bulk you up! Just have to get past the scary men grunting & posing in the mirrors O_O 
  • Broccoli is an amazing snack
  • You can work out at home with results! Youtube videos have been my best friend in the past lol
  • Choose healthier options! Green tea instead of a Cappucino at cafe's or a wrap instead of burgers when eating out (however I do not always stick to this loool)

The Bible says "You were bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your body" 1 Corinth 6: 20 and I believe that to do this you will need to be healthy & not gluttonous so that's what I'm trying to do :D

Here's a few snaps of me bigger*deep breath* lol...

 Here's a few snaps of me at my slimmest:

A few of me curvier:

And me as I stand today:

Drinking water is great for slimming but it's something I don't do enough, I also love to drink Green Tea, it's so yummy and is really good for you! I bought 'Adios' Diet pills once but I only managed to take two then my boyfriend at the time hid them from me LOL I am grateful that he did! Diet pills are something I do not recommend at all! They give you short term results and you gain more weight afterwards with added side effects.

Websites like Tumblr & Blogspot are great for inspiration (but watch out for unhealthy pro-anorexia sites!) you can follow like minded people & read their posts plus see inspiration pictures like these!

I love this pic because I would be bummed when I only lost a pound but imagine that coming off your stomach! :O ^

Skipping is a great form of exercise as a jump rope is portable so you can work out just about anywhere! It works your entire body especially arms & legs so is great!

Here is my favourite skipping work out:

Sorry this post has so many pictures lol!
Hopefully one day I'll be coming back at you with pics of a six pack haha! 
Got any fitness tips? Share them below :D

God bless 

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